Her eyes reflected somber desires
of souls who craved the flame and fires
in life’s existence day and night
grasping what they thought she possessed; the light . . .
she knew the light was truly not her’s to give . . .
but preserved within each soul who lived and gived
though some were blinded by the insistent need to be
warmed by the light for which they boldly seeked
she knew the answers to their plight;
resigned in one’s self through love’s insight
but the answer seemed too simplistic
to be embraced as true or realistic
She knew she had a simple, precious gift . . .
Thus often, foolishly, she tried to lift . . .
the spirits of seemingly lightless souls
in vain she tried to make them whole . . .
not realizing with each vain attempt
the light reflected pure contempt;
the egos of fogged lights’ reflections
so often produced pain and rejection
thus the light that once shined clarity
in time became the object of jealousy and envy
the plight for light often dulled her beam
she’d loose insight of her own dream
since what she tried to give away
could not be gifted anyway . . .
for each soul must find their own way . . .
in time she began to realize . . .
her light so often hypnotized . . .
but all illusions are revealed
once realized; they have no zeal . . .
for truth is reflected from light within;
only when truths emerge can love begin . . .
So with raw emotions and quiet strength . . .
she abandoned the road leading to Corinth
~Written by CordieB
Forgiveness Friday
12 years ago