Hello beautiful people. I enjoy connecting and sharing creative energies with others who want to live a better life and have heightened peace through spirituality and being connected with their creator, themselves, other humans beings and the world in which we live.
I received this most honorable friendship award from Nadge, at Prettypurplegoodyhood. Nadege is truly a beautiful, spiritual being who honors us with her words of ecstasy to arouse our sensuality and open our hearts up to feel and love. . . Blessings to you Nadege, my friend.
Penthouse Suite 3643
Alex Brumbaugh could literally feel a grin creeping across his face as he
rolled through the scenario in his head—frame by beautifully, vindictive
frame. ...
the meaning of the meaning of meaning
[image: background graphic by SRS for new blog Pandemonium]
Attention all followers of Cosmic Rapture out there (yes, I'm talking to
both of you): Pandemoni...
The 48 Rules of POWER, Robert Greene
This is an awesome book. The "laws" are
great habits to adopt. Also, the little
parables in red make good conversation.
*The 48 Rules of Power*
*#4 - Alway...